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Administration unit  :

Via Ex Dogana 5
44041 Casumaro - Ferrara - Italy
Fax. amministrazione +39 051 6848174

Operative unit:

Via delle Arti Grafiche 22 
44049 Vigarano  Mainarda - Ferrara - Italy
Tel. +39 0532 350600
Fax. +39 0532 354378
email :


Via Jurandyr da Paixão de Campos Freire ,
2400 Galpão 180 Cep : 13481 – 149 – Limeira - SP
Fone +55 19 3451 4743 Fax +55 19 3451 4743
CNPJ : 14.198.431/0001-19
I.E. : 041 718 541 0116



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